Stinging Nettle for the Soul

Ruling Element: Fire

Astrological/Zodiac Correspondence: Aries (Guardian), Scorpio (Guardian + Remedy), Capricorn (Remedy), Pisces (Remedy)

Planetary Ruler: Mars

Gender: Masculine but has a touch of feminine to it and that makes it quite a balance

Moon Phase: Waxing Quarter Moon

Nettles tend to come forward when thresholds are to be crossed, specifically when traversing the threshold from Earth into Air. Earth is a place of winter, death, resource, and boundaries. It offers us the opportunity to move from what was into the void—a place of connection with source where anything is possible; where all things do and do not exist, simultaneously. It's a wellspring of growth, transformation and transmutation.

When we move from winter into spring, we cross the threshold from Earth into Air—a space of creation, inspiration, and rebirth. Nettles stand with us in this transition, helping us choose what we are going to pull through the void and into being. Nettle also acts as a guardian, reminding us to protect our boundaries and ourselves from those who would mindlessly take from us.

Nettle Spirit medicine is transformation through nurturing and self-worth. Soggy, wet ground is Nettle's favorite rooting place; and it is an expert at turning hard, clay soils into fertile ground. Nettle's ability to undo the effects of an excess of water in the soil speaks to it’s affinity with water and with conditions of stress, especially of an emotional nature. Just as nettle can turn a situation that appears hard and unloving into one of fertility, so can we.

Nettles speak in clear terms when it comes to boundaries and consent, and they can teach us to do the same. Nettle magic is for those who are people pleasers - who would ignore their own nutrition and wellbeing if it meant getting the job done for someone else. Nettle invites those people to become intimate with the stinging prick of the word no and how to wield it with a firm, compassionate nature. Nettle also invites us to dive into our own self worth, rooting into the knowledge that we have something amazing to bring to the table of life, while also acknowledging others' worth with joy.

You can count on nettles to tell you what you need to know. They are firm in their knowing of self, understand where they end and begin, and can fill their being fully with their own energy. To embody this energy, you can say an affirmation to yourself—say it often and as though you already know it to be true: I am as the Nettles, strongly rooted in my knowing of self.


The Mother: Adrenal Support


Finding home ~we have moved!